PGN – Publishers Green Network

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The Publishers Green Network is a voluntary, non-profit organisation formed by members of the publishing industry based in the UK. It was founded in 2007 by members of Pearson, Alastair Sawday Publishing and Hachette to promote environmental awareness at grass-roots level, providing help on green practices and ecological initiatives to “any executives involved in environmental initiatives within their publishing houses”.

The group is open to anyone, regardless the position, role or department, and its initiatives are aimed to all UK publishing houses, from the largest groups to the most independent publishers. At the moment, 30 publishing houses are involved in the network. Meetings are held twice a year on a wide range of matters: energy reduction initiatives, environmental staff engagement, supply chain integrity, waste management and the impact of digitisation, juts to mention some of a broader list.

Certainly, a good initiative to keep professionals, from all areas of publishing, informed about greener trends in book production.

Image credit: Facebook Publishers Green Network

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