Green Policies

Book Industry Treatise on Environmentally Responsible Publishing

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Its comprehensive name describes with precision for what it stands for. The Book Industry Treatise on Environmentally Responsible Publishing was developed with the insight and collaboration of over 25 stakeholders, among which there were big and small, trade and academic publishers, printers, paper mills, manufacturers and merchants. This was a treatise developed by book professionals for book professionals, and I personally believe that is what makes it worth of account.

The agreement sets “attainable and measurable goals for improving the social and ecological footprint of the book industry”. The goals comprise:

  • “Addressing global warming through the use of recycled fibre and renewable energy”: Specifically, shift the book industry’s consumption of paper to PWC, in a long-term basis;
  • “Supporting the use of additional non-wood recovered fibres”: For instance, by supporting the use of renewable energies, such as wind, and by purchasing paper manufactured with wind;
  • “Protecting Endangered and Highest Value Forests”. This supposes not using wood fibre from regions as the tropical rainforests in Latin America;
  • “Supporting Best Practices in Forest Management”, for instance, by shifting the book industry’s paper consumption to certified paper only (FSC, PEFC, etc.);
  • “Reducing Production Impacts”, by increasing the use of low VOC, soy-based inks and least toxic materials;
  • “Recycling and Reducing Consumption”;
  • “Human Rights”. Support the indigenous and local communities through the use of virgin papers that are FSC certified, and also ensure for the provision of fair wages and work conditions of the labours involved in overseas book production;
  • “Transparency”. Signatories have to track their progress towards meeting the goals of the Treatise and report it.

A Leadership Council, composed by 10 publishers, printers, paper manufacturers and merchants (among which there are Harvard University Press, Chronicle Books and the organisation Green Press Initiative), was responsible for the implementation of the agreement and will conduct its future revisions. In 2013, the treatise has already been signed by 250 US book publishers, according to data provided on Eco-Libris.

While I was doing my research, I did not find any other agreement like this, exclusively dedicated to sharing environmental policies and more responsible practices for book production. This document is focused on the US book industry, but equally large book markets, such as the UK, would benefit from a “sector-wide holistic agreement on paper and publishing”, like this one.

SFI Forest Partners Program

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In 2012, Time Inc., National Geographic Society and, worth noting, Macmillan Publishers and Pearson became official SFI Founding Forest Partners, having an ambitious ecological aim in mind: to certify 5 million acres (2 million hectares) of forests to the SFI standards by 2014, and 5 million more acres (2 million hectares) by the end of 2017, across the United States and Canada.

The program involves “five-year commitments to increase the source of certified forest products” and working collectively and closely with SFI to make certification more widely accessible (for example, by providing resources for “consulting expertise, group certification and audit coordination”).

The program also requires that partners work in conjunction with professionals from the whole supply chain of production – landowners, manufacturers, distributors, governmental organisations, environmental groups and even customers, in order to increase the area of certified forest. According to SFI, only 10% of the world’s forest is certified.

So why did I consider this program particularly interesting, from a book publishing perspective?

  • First, because it links market leaders of the publishing industry with other stakeholders, suppliers and merchants, who are the main partners of publishers on every book production process;
  • Second, it proves that publishers can be one step ahead in green initiatives, acting as responsible corporate citizens;
  • Lastly, it shows how brand recognised publishers can also be used as a “call to arms” in important ecological questions.

FSC – Forest Stewardship Council

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The Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) is a worldwide, non-governmental, non-profit organisation established in 1993 to promote responsible management of world’s forests. Its mission is to ensure a lawful, profitable and reasonable management, “environmentally sound, socially beneficial and economically prosperous”.

FSC assesses whether those in charge for forest management are complying with law, international protocols, and if they are enhancing, while still respecting, the life of surrounding communities. As such, FSC works in conjunction with professionals from a wide range of industries who use wood as a raw material, mainly forest owners, members of timber and printing industries and publishers.

In order to ensure a better and more responsible management of our forests, the organisation implemented a system of certifications:

1. Forest Management
2. Controlled Wood
3. Chain of Custody

1. The Forest Management certification “is awarded to forest managers or owners whose management practices meet the requirements of the FSC Principles and Criteria”;

2. The Controlled Wood certification allows manufacturers to mix FSC certified material with uncertified materials (for example, illegally harvested wood or wood harvested in violation of traditional and civil rights), always under controlled and previously accepted conditions;

3. Finally, the Chain of Custody Certification (FCS CoC) is applied to manufacturers, processors and traders of FSC certified forest products. This certificate is used to certify any product made according to the FSC standards.

The FSC CoC allows companies to label and track the timber or other wood products derived from FSC certified forests, and monitor them through the whole process of production, from forests to consumers. In the market, FSC certified products are identified with a seal, which we may find today in a variety of wood-made products, including books. In books, the seal is usually printed on back covers or copyright pages, and it is widely taken as a trustworthy symbol.

Publishers are increasingly committed to FSC standards. Most publishing houses are now using FSC or other type of certified paper. For example, Penguin has printed all its b&w books on FSC certified paper since 2008, and HarperCollins, in 2013, set a goal that 70% of the books printed by Harper UK would be FSC certified.

As consumers, with an FSC certified book, we get the chance to support an ecological cause and to trace back the origins of our books. At least, to find out from which type of wood they were made of. Pick a book, type an FSC code and check, here.

Image credit: Capella

PEFC – Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification

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The Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification (PEFC), like FSC, is an international non-profit, non-governmental organisation dedicated to promoting sustainable forest management through third party certification.

Founded in 1999, PEFC is the world’s largest forest certification organisation, with a forest certificated area of 258 million ha (two-thirds of the globally certified forest area) and 15,804 companies certified with its Chain of Custody.

Particularly aimed at small forest owners and producers, PEFC provides a guarantee that wood, timber and paper products come from forests sustainably managed. As FSC, PEFC also has a tracking system to control the integrity of certified products throughout the production chain.

In 2014, it is hard to find a publisher that does not use a certified type of paper, like PEFC endorsed paper. Even small publishers, like the Cambridge based Open Book Publishers, are committed to green policies. Open Book Publishers is an open access, non-profit academic book publisher, with no institutional backing. It was founded in 2008 and, nonetheless, is already using acid free paper, PEFC and SFI certified paper. In addition, all its paper used for jackets is manufactured using electricity generated by renewable wind power. In brief, not only a good example of the wide extent of the PEFC certification programme, but also of the environmental awareness across the publishing industry.

Image credit: Eniro Group

SFI – Sustainable Forestry Initiative

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The Sustainable Forestry Initiative (SFI) is an independent, non-profit organisation that certifies forests and lands in the USA and Canada. Launched in 1994 by the American Forest and Paper Association, it is internationally recognised and endorsed by PEFC.

Like FSC and PEFC, SFI promotes responsible forest management, issuing CoC certifications. Similarly to others councils, their certified products are properly labelled.

Even if specialised in American forestry, SFI got my attention for the impact of its program SFI Forest Partners, which has the cooperation of two renowned and influential groups in the publishing industry: Macmillan Publishers and Pearson. Please read more here.

Image credit: Lydony

Green Press Initiative

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Founded in 2001, the non-profit organisation Green Press Initiative was created to boost the implementation of sustainable patterns of production and consumption in the US book and newspaper publishing. Green Press Initiative’s concerns are more than exclusively forestry and paper related, working GPI closely with publishing stakeholders in order to, for example, preserve endangered species and minimise the book production impacts on native indigenous communities.

I decided to include GPI on my collection of green organisations for another main reason. Green Press Initiative provides a set of Tools and Resources for book and newspaper publishers, printers and paper mills who want to reduce their ecological footprint and environmental impact, being this information freely available on their website. Specifically for professionals in the book industry, GPI offers guidance on how to apply ecological measures and the following resources:

  • toolkit for publishers, printers, paper manufacturers and authors, with guidelines on the implementation of environmental policies and FSC certifications
  • A suppliers lists, with contacts of suppliers using recycled and certified paper
  • A set of articles, reports and case studies about the ecological impact of print and digital manufacturing in book production (as this one about the environmental impacts of ebooks)

GPI was also responsible for the Book Industry Treatise on Environmentally Responsible Publishing, which has already been signed by more than 250 publishers. A particularly interesting organisation, GPI is a fund grant program, but highly committed to both big and small houses. An example of that is the green publishing toolkit that the organisation developed for small publishers, in specific.


Interview with the Founder and Director of Green Press Initiative

Image credit: Georgetown University Press