Microcosm Publishing

Microcosm Publishing

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Original, trendy and indie, Microcosm Publishing is a reflection of its city: Portland (Oregon, USA). Founded in 1996, Microcosm is not a conventional publisher. Highly committed to a sustainable way of living, the publisher declares to be specialised “in work designed to make the reader feel good about being alive, take an active role in bettering their life, and impact the world around them”.

Its extensive catalogue includes a wide range of subjects, from Art and Design to Vegan/Animal Rights, crossing over Music, History, Literature, Graffiti,… Its brand is very well defined, not only by its titles, but also by its vision. Everything in Microcosm Publishing has an eye-catching, strong design, and, for instance, even the logo – a chain-ring – expresses one of the higher social commitments of this publisher: everyday cycling. Immediately noticed as a bike-friendly and pro-creativity publisher, I considered Microcosm as a really interesting example for book production for 4 reasons:

  1. Firstly, it conjugates ecological awareness with style. Microcosm has several merchandise products, including reusable totes (made in the USA), that avoid the consumption and waste of paper and plastic bags;
  2. Secondly, its books are printed by national union workers. This shows a particular commitment of this publisher to labours and their rights. This is an ethical decision, and frequently publishers, and particularly production directors, have to consider this sort of ethical issues, about environmental and human rights, about where and with whom to print a book;
  3. Thirdly, all Microcosm books are printed on FSC certified paper, and the publisher is moving towards all production using PWC paper, 100% tree-free paper, with vegetable inks and bindings;
  4. Fourthly, work-related travels are made by bicycle or tricycle. According to The Publishers Weekly “the company provides incentives for its seven employees to walk, bicycle, or bus to get to work, and has 100% participation”.


Image credit: Team Colors